
Well, Know The Glow made some lemonade!
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When Life Gives You Lemons...
Dear !

It has been a few months since we’ve reached out, and we have a lot of exciting news to share!

Even during the pandemic, Know The Glow has been VERY busy! We are working in more than a half dozen countries, and have been presenting, partnering with, and working alongside other international organizations, all focused on doing our best to Prevent Childhood Blindness!

During the pandemic, we put a pause on our fundraising.  This was a conscious choice. We knew the whole world was managing through hardships, and asking for your support, even though you have been so continually generous, felt out of place. As we begin to step back into real life in what we hope will soon be a Post-COVID world, we love starting with this wonderful fundraiser which speaks to the reality we’ve all faced! The pandemic gave us some lemons, so Know The Glow is making Lemonade!

KTG has partnered with Lemon AID apparel to launch our very own Lemon AID campaign!  Learn more about the team at Lemon AID here between May 13th and 22nd 100% of net proceeds on KTG apparel purchases will go to Know The Glow!  Follow the link to purchase your shirts today!  Adult and child sizes are available!

This year we also connected with Maria Arce Moreira, the Executive Director for VOSH/International (Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity) to chat about the VOSH network. VOSH works as a network so each of the 98 affiliated chapters are autonomous but abide by the same vision, values and code of conduct. 

Student chapters (SVOSH)  are a vibrant piece of the structure because these young future professionals are fertile ground to plant the seed of interest and motivation to embrace the full scope of optometry as a key eye health profession with the potential to significantly impact people's lives.  

Dr. Jenn Viñola introduced Megan to Maria, shortly after our successful Philippines campaign. The results were amazing! Our Bangladesh campaign launched back in November 2021, also achieved great results - 4.5 million impressions!

We are also excited to be launching our international awareness campaign in Croatia this month! Keep an eye out on our socials to see what these campaigns look like and the exciting results. Spreading awareness of ‘the Glow’ across the world is no easy task, but we know every message counts - and has the potential to save a child's sight!  We’re honored to have wonderful KTG families and friends in Croatia helping us to build the messaging campaign there!  Watch for more stories on families and NGOs doing great work in Croatia and throughout the Balkans in the coming weeks!

KTG is also very proud of our continuing KTG internship program where we have enjoyed working with no less than six interns from the University of Notre Dame this spring semester!  Three of our student interns from ND received the Megan K Crowley Patient Advocacy Award and the John M. and Mary Jo Boler Rare Disease Resource Award!  We are honored to continue to build on our collaborative work with the University’s Boler-Parseghian Center for Rare & Neglected Diseases under the guidance of faculty advisor, Professor Barbara Calhoun, and we look forward to more exciting ways to work together in the upcoming summer and fall!  Look for a link soon on our KTG website showing our partnership with the university and highlighting this year’s award winning interns!

Knowing that we have all of you supporting us and cheering us on has meant the world throughout these turbulent times.  We hope for smoother days ahead and a renewed focus as we begin to take the first steps toward making giant strides forward toward our collective goal of awareness, early diagnosis, and saved sight for the world's children!

While we hope you will purchase a tee shirt please know that we really do appreciate all the support, and we would be so grateful to see as many of you as possible participating in our campaign. Thank you for your continued support, you can be a sponsor with either a one-time donation, a recurring donation, or you can set up a special activity like a KTG Day or a percentage-of-sales campaign!

With gratitude,

Megan, Sandra, and the Know The Glow Board

P.S. Post some pics of you in your shirt!! Use #KnowTheGlow so we can see you!

Have You Joined The Glow Community?

I remember when we launched the Know The Glow Community a couple of years ago. There were only a few of us in the Facebook Group, and it felt a bit daunting. Was this going to be the helpful tool we wanted it to be? With over 600 members now, the answer has been a resounding YES! Parents go to Know The Glow Community for help and hope. They share stories, ideas, and support one another. It is a place to learn, to grow, and to work together to Prevent Childhood Blindness.
To join the Know The Glow Community, just go to and fill out an invite!

The Power of Glow Stories!

You can read the story of a mother who sought out the Know The Glow Glow Stories and found hope! You can read our Glow Stories here:

“The reason I'm sharing our story is not for sympathy but because, as rare as some of these eye disorders are, I want all of you parents out there to be aware that the absence of a normal red reflex when taking a flash photo, and a new transient or fixed squint, can be indicative of a serious problem with your child's eyes. If in doubt, don't wait. Go straight to the GP/ophthalmologist and have it checked out. Early intervention can be vision and/or lifesaving. Be aware and always KNOW THE GLOW ” - Carley

Read Carley’s full story here:

Know The Glow
wants to share stories about children’s vision specifically relating to “the Glow.” If you have a story to share, please reach out to us at


Would you like to help Know the Glow spread awareness of glow related diseases? Click here to help Know the Glow continue spreading the message!


Want to be part of our community? Join the Facebook “Know the Glow Community” page here to connect with other parents and KTG experts!

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